Mohammed Ali (Mo) Naqvi is an award winning producer and director. His films include Shame, Among the Believers, Insha’Allah Democracy, and The Accused: Damned or Devoted? He is a member of the Academy of Motion Pictures and Television Academy, and produced two seasons of the Netflix Original Top 10 docu-series “Turning Point”. He has produced work for Showtime, HBO, MTV, CNN, Discovery, Starz, BBC, and Hulu. His films have been screened at a number of festivals including Toronto, Berlin, Busan, and Tribeca, and showcased at the Museum of Modern Art.
March 25, 2024
with Farah Ali
Farah Ali is the writer of the novel The River, The Town, and the short story collection People Want to Live. Her work has been anthologised in Best Small Fictions and the Pushcart Prize where it has also received special mention. Her stories have appeared in Shenandoah, Kenyon Review, Ecotone, and elsewhere. Farah Ali is also co-founder, Fiction Editor and publisher of Lakeer.