Lakeer Summer Mentorship Program

Lakeer’s Summer Mentorship Program is an online program that pairs established writers with students in highschool or college [or people between the ages 15 – 21, not currently enrolled in an academic program] interested in learning more about the creative writing processes of drafting, revision and editing. To be eligible, you must reside in Pakistan.

The July 2025 program will cater to fiction and nonfiction. The aim of the mentorship program is not formal instruction. The program hopes to bridge the gap that currently exists in young Pakistani writers’ accessibility to literature and writing related resources, through a personalized, often informal correspondence.

Students will have the opportunity to share work with mentors and peers, participate in peer review, and acquire feedback and advice that enriches their approach to reading and writing. The in-built flexibility of the program will allow students to utilize their time with the assigned mentor as they see fit. Every week, while prompts will be provided to help generate new work, students are welcome to produce writing that advances an already novel-length work or another personal project. While there will be flexibility, and meeting times will be decided in conversation with your mentor, please note that there will be strict weekly deadlines and you must be available to meet online during the month of July 2025. The program is free of charge.

Participation in this opportunity is not a route to publication in Lakeer Magazine. We are looking for young writers driven to explore and hone their craft, and be active literary citizens.

Application Process for Students

The application for this mentorship program consists of two parts:
three Application Questions and a Writing Sample.

Application Questions
You must respond to all three questions for your application to be considered.

We encourage you to double-space your responses and include a page break between them, making sure to also include the full question to which you are responding above each answer. (P.S.: We find that conventional fonts like Times New Roman or Garamond often work best!)

Download the APPLICATION QUESTIONS template here.

Writing Sample
The sample should be 6-10 pages of your unpublished work. We would like the work to be double-spaced.

Where to Submit

Send your Application Questions and Writing Sample to:

Please write “MENTORSHIP” in the email subject.

Applications for 2025 are currently closed. Subscribe here to receive updates on when they will open.

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