Aisha Hamid

Aisha Hamid is a poet and writer from Lahore, Pakistan. She is an incoming MFA student at Northwestern University. She was shortlisted by the Zeenat Haroon Rashid Writing Prize for Women, 2019, and received an honorable mention by The Berlin Writing Prize 2019. She is a Poetry Reader at The Adroit Journal, a fellow at Qalambaaz 2023, Pakistan’s first screenwriting lab, an alum of the South Asian Write Beyond Borders mentorship program, 2021, and the LUMS Young Writers’ Workshop’19. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pleiades, Vallum Magazine, The Aleph Review, Yoda Press, and elsewhere.


To imprison my migraine, my father wraps
a chunri dupatta, black with mehndi-green geometry round

My brother can’t breathe in winters. Lahore is a hazy daymare –
I sleep till there’s no sun, miss the rain to sadness again. I say


Dawn broke, our backs bent double. Suitcases burst open.
Car doors swung. Appetite for life clutched in each hand.

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